Tiny Tykes 2025
Registration begins 3.3.25. Further information will be available through our email newsletter and via our social media. Click here to add your email to our newsletter. At this time, registration is only open to Beverly, MA residents. If openings exist after 5.1.25, non Beverly residents may apply.
Spots are still available! Please contact jbelanger@beverlyma.gov
for more information.
Tiny Tykes Half Day (ages 3-5) $430 (session 1) $475 (sessions 2,3,4)
Early Care: $125 (Session 1) $150 (Sessions 2,3,4)
Late Care: $125 (Session 1) $150 (Sessions 2,3,4)
Summer mornings at Lynch Park for your little ones. M-F 9-12:30pm. Circle time, singing, dancing, crafts, games and friends! How about some trips to the splash pad and the beaches too!? The fun awaits your child's first summer camp experience!
Tiny Tykes Full Day (ages 4-5) $520 (session 1) $575 (sessions 2,3,4)
Early Care: $125 (Session 1) $150 (Sessions 2,3,4)
Late Care: $125 (Session 1) $150 (Sessions 2,3,4)
Longer days means more to explore! M-F 9-3pm. Circle time, beach trips, splash pad time, singing, arts and crafts and so many games you’ll go crazy! After spending the mornings exploring the park, the fun continues into the afternoon with exciting visits from the likes of Beverly Fire Department and Smokey Bear.
Both Half and Full day TYKES REMINDERS!
All campers must be potty trained.
Please make sure to bring a snack and a lunch.
Wear your swimsuit to camp and please bring a dry change of clothes.
Low ratio of only five campers to each of our awesome counselors ensures a safe and personal experience.
This camp must comply with the regulations of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and be licensed by the local board of health.