Longtime Instructor Don Anderson from College Funding Advisors teaches that You Can Afford College IF:
You PLAN in Advance
You UNDERSTAND the financial aid process
You ACT early enough to be successful
Financial aid goes to the families who plan and act in advance-before December of the child’s sophomore year of High School. This course will teach you the concepts and strategies that will help you maximize your financial aid by understanding the process and why implementing strategies may increase a families eligibility even if you have “high income” or own a business.
The greatest amount of financial aid goes to the families who act in the early years of High School.
Free financial aid analysis will be available to all attendees.
Please bring pen and paper to take notes.
Course runs for one night at the Senior Center.
COST: $25/Person or $35/Two Family Members
Registration opens mid-February 2022
INSTRUCTOR BIO: Don Anderson has been working with college strategies since 1990 and has successfully guided his three children through the financial aid process. He received his BS in Engineering from Northeastern University and his MBA from Syracuse University. As a College Funding Advisory Associate, he now lectures extensively throughout the greater Boston area on his expertise and insights into the financial aid system and enjoys guiding families through the process.